I went to the US for my honeymoon 7 years ago. I was under the weather during the trip due to pregnancy. Neither delicious roast pork steak nor beautiful landscape I could enjoy completely. When my tour members took pictures, I was vomiting and nauseous. When everyone was shopping at the outlet, I was sleepy and exhausted leaning against the bench in front of the store. Even though there were some negative memories, the honeymoon trip still had a happy ending.
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農曆 8 月 2 日是我公公的忌日。我先生的大哥、大嫂、大姐從台北回來拜拜,我夫家彼此的感情還不錯,對長輩也很孝順,感覺真的很好,或許也是很難能可貴的,在鄉下,大多數人都很遵循傳統文化,特別是和孝順有關係。祭祖是中國人最重要的事情,公公忌日祭拜的日子更是大日子。
On the 2nd day of the 8th month of the lunar calender, the day was the anniversary of my father-in-law’s death. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law came back from Taipei to worship their father. In the local country, villages tend to comply with the traditional cultures, especially the things about filial piety. Ancestor worship is the most important thing for Chinese people, the deceased father without exception.
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I was assigned a mission to take students on a company tour.
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露營是時下流行的戶外活動。生活在城市中的人們總是被噪音、空污和職場壓力環繞。為什麼不休息一下呢?對我來說Glamping 比露營更好。不用搭帳篷和準備露營裝備,我可以輕鬆地享受大自然。苗栗-山美學似乎是放鬆身心的絕佳選擇。
Camping is a popular outdoor activity in modern society. People who live in the city are always surrounded with noise, air pollution, and a stressful workplace. Why don't we take a break from them? Glamping is a better choice for me than camping in particular. Free from pitching tents and preparing camping gear, I could enjoy nature in an easy way. 苗栗, kids village seemed as the great choice to relax.
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我們在高雄進行了為期 3 天的家庭旅行。除了義大世界是孩子這趟畢業旅行的主要目的地之外,我們還計劃了其他的地方參觀。有趣的是,在這趟旅途中,我們使用各種交通工具,如飛機、捷運、輕軌、汽車租賃、船和步行。我們在 3 天內住了 3 家不同的酒店,分別是福容飯店, 義大皇家飯店,蓮潭國際會館。不同的飯店開箱也是我們旅行中有趣的部分。
We had family trip to Kaohsiung for 3 days. Except for the main destination, E-DA World, as my children's graduation trip, we also planned many places to visit. Interestingly, we use various transportations, such as flight, MRT, light railway, car rental, boat and by foot. We stayed 3 different hotels within 3 days. Relatively 福容飯店, 義大皇家飯店,蓮潭國際會館. Those were the amazing part of our trip as well.
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最近覺得英文的idioms(成語或是慣用語)很有趣,就像中文常常用比喻法來描述事情,能使整段話更生動更有畫面感,學習idioms的過程中,發現用的巧的成語,能讓自己講話更像native speaker,更有趣的是,不同的語言,竟然有相同的物件來比喻同件事,語言和翻譯實在是太奇妙了!
Recently, I think idioms is very interesting. Just like Chinese lanuguage often use metaphor or simile to describe thing, it can make the whole paragraph more vivid and more picturesque. In the process of learning idioms, with accurate idioms that can make my speech more like a native speaker. What's even more interesting is that different languages using the same objects to describe the same thing. Language and translation are really amazing!
go back to the drawing board
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idioms 和slang 的差別是什麼呢?前者是諺語,後者是俚語,可以想像是較為口語或是方言,自從接觸idioms,我覺得很有趣,在我很小的時候,我也曾經下定決心要把日曆上的座右銘給背起來呢!
What is the difference between idioms and slang? The former is a proverb, and the latter is a dialect. Since I came into contact with idioms, I have found them very interesting. When I was young, I have made up my mind to memorize all the motto on the calendar!
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.
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Mymother-in-law has prepared some sacrifices (祭品) for tomb sweeping day in
advance. It included 4 servings of金紙, a serving of 瑪老and粿, a few joss sticks, colorful joss paper., and floral tribute(祭品) for my father-in-law particularly
Two days before the day, we drove to the cemetery(墓園). It was easy to find the tomb of my father-in-law because we had visited here for 5 successive years. We presented the fresh lily in front of the tomb and burned the joss paper and incense to pay tribute to him. For a while, we continued to visit other graves.
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I have recognized red panda from science magazine recently, According to the description from article, their colors of fur come in red and sizes come in small which are different from the giant panda we have been familiar with. But their Chinese name is hard to distinguish from each other. Red panda is also called 小貓熊, but the giant panda is called 大貓熊. Both of them like to eat bamboo. But, the former also eats fruit, insect, and small animal. With the long wrist boon, red panda can climb the tree as great as panda.
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AnnaYang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
AnnaYang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
In the morning , it rained heavily. I put on the raincoat outside my body and backpack in order not to to get soaking wet on the way to 水頭dock.
Today I have to take a ship to work. It souds cool, right? I live in kinman, where is small island far away from Taiwan mainland. And kinman has a smaller town called “小金門‘ far away from kinman at least 10 minutes sailing.
When my boss assigned me to work at branch that day I have to commute by ship. I need to stay this smaller island for 12 hours and get off work. It not convenient actually.
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My name is Anna. I am an English learner . Actually I have learned English for 10 years. But I still can’t tackle it well. I really envy those who can speak well. what method do they use?
it is obivious for this question. right?
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What do you do with your children at night?
I usually need to calm them down.
They are active and energetic. So, After dinner, the first thing is to finish their homeworks. Later. They will ask me to tell stories for them. When it come to familiar plots, They will try to tell stories by themselves and give a “speech” to me.
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