
I went to the US for my honeymoon 7 years ago. I was under the weather during the trip due to pregnancy. Neither delicious roast pork steak nor beautiful landscape I could enjoy completely. When my tour members took pictures, I was vomiting and nauseous. When everyone was shopping at the outlet, I was sleepy and exhausted leaning against the bench in front of the store. Even though there were some negative memories, the honeymoon trip still had a happy ending.




*Lombard street

In California, one of my favorite tourist attractions was Lombard street. It is an east–west street in San Francisco, which is famous for a steep, one-block section with eight hairpin turns. The hair-pin street was awfully cool. I was wondering why they designed such an interesting road? What did drivers think of it when they drove the car through such a narrow and crooked road?


Another feature here was its uneven terrain. We walked up toward the steep and long ramp to gaze afar. The sky looked gray here. The architecture and white-skin people reminded me where I was. Certainly, the most important thing for visitors was photography. However, it was not easy to present its beauty through the camera.

*the Golden Gate Bridge 金門大橋


The most beautiful and photographed bridge in the world is the Golden Gate Bridge, located in Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, It also carries pedestrian and bicycle traffic.Due to the foggy day, we stayed in The Bridge's Welcome Center and waited for a heavy fog gone. For a while, the bridge finally showed up from the cloud. All of us took pictures insanely.

*Hollywood Walk of Fame  洛杉磯好萊塢星光大道.

這裡是行程的高潮!那是好萊塢星光大道。我們驚訝於許多業餘藝人穿著古怪而栩栩如生的服裝在街上表演。起初,我們帶著好奇和興奮地與他們互動,直到我們明白這不是免費的。我在這裡有一段難忘的回憶。我被騙了。一個男人一直跟我們推薦他的CD,介紹自己是個業餘歌手。他想把他的CD送給我作為分享。我一次又一次地拒絕,直到他說如果我們接受它他會感到高興。但最後,他向我收取了 20 美元的費用。氣!

Here's the climax of the itinerary! It was the Hollywood Walk of Fame.We were amazed with many amateur entertainers with quirky and lifelike costumes performing on the street. At first we interacted with them with curiosity and excitement until we understood that they were not free. I had an unforgettable memory here because I was cheated. The man recommended his CD, introducing himself as an amateur singer. He wanted to give me his CD as a sharing gift. I rejected again and again until he said he would feel pleasure if we accepted it. But finally, he charged me for $20.  how was annoying.

*Yosemite: 優美聖地

優勝美地擁有無數瀑布。觀賞瀑布的最佳時間是春季,此時大部分融雪發生。徑流高峰通常發生在5月或6月,一些瀑布(包括優勝美地瀑布)往往只有涓涓細流或到8月完全乾涸。深秋的風暴使一些瀑布煥發活力,在冬季的許多夜晚,它們都在邊緣積聚了霜凍。我們在一月份去看了優勝美地。這里和台灣一樣是冬天。地面上覆蓋著厚厚的積雪。這是我第一次看到雪。所以我渴望做我在雜誌上看到的雪人。但我很驚訝雪不是真的白,手套很快就濕了。不過還是很好玩的。而且優勝美地瀑佈在台灣似乎只是為了旅行社的廣告或營銷而被稱為新娘面紗。Yosemite is home to countless waterfalls. The best time to see waterfalls is during spring, when most of the snowmelt occurs. Peak runoff  typically occurs in May or June, with some waterfalls (including Yosemite Falls) often only a trickle or completely dry by August. Storms in late fall rejuvenate some of the waterfalls and all of them accumulate frost along their edges many nights during the winter. We went to see Yosemite in January. The ground was covered with thick snow. It was my first time seeing snow. So I was eager to DIY the snowman I saw in the magazine. surprised, the snow was not really white and the gloves were wet quickly. But it was still fun.And Yosemite Falls seems to be called bridal veil merely in Taiwan for tour agency’s advertising or marketing.

2. Arizona


Antelope Canyon is a popular location for sightseers. Besides the Upper and Lower areas, there are other slots in the canyon that can be visited, such as the RattleSnake Canyon, Owl Canyon, Mountain Sheep Canyon which is also part of the same drainage as Antelope Canyon. All visits are through licensed tour operators. It is not possible to visit the Canyon independently. I was not sure which part of the area I had been to.  I only stayed outside the canyon due to the bumpy road to the antelope canyon. As a pregnant woman, I should be careful. ao3

 7. horseshoe bend馬蹄灣

亞利桑那州也以其馬蹄形彎而聞名。這兩個站點相距很遠,車程不到 15 分鐘(地圖顯示,但我記得坐車坐很久耶)。馬蹄彎以日出日落時的光影變化而聞名,吸引了許多遊客在這裡拍照留念。這是免費的,但很危險。我們的導遊提醒我們不要站得太近以免跌落山谷

Arizona is also renowned for its horseshoe bend. These two sites are far away from each other within a 15 minute drive.(i was not sure)  The horseshoe bend is famous for its Light and shadow change on sunrise and sunset attracting many visitors to capture photos here. It is complimentary but dangerous. Our tour guide cautioused us that we shouldn’t stand too close to fall down the valley.


That is all I have remembered. Next time, i should admire every site attentively.


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