農曆 8 2 日是我公公的忌日。我先生的大哥、大嫂、大姐從台北回來拜拜,我夫家彼此的感情還不錯,對長輩也很孝順,感覺真的很好,或許也是很難能可貴的,在鄉下,大多數人都很遵循傳統文化,特別是和孝順有關係。祭祖是中國人最重要的事情,公公忌日祭拜的日子更是大日子。

On the 2nd day of the 8th month of the lunar calender, the day was the anniversary of my father-in-law’s death. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law came back from Taipei to worship their father. In the local country, villages tend to comply with the traditional cultures, especially the things about filial piety. Ancestor worship is the most important thing for Chinese people, the deceased father without exception.



Since he passed away, every year on this anniversary date, almost all family members have come home. I loved the strong bond among our family members. My mother-in-law prepared over a 10-course meal, fresh fruits, a cup of wine and cigarettes for her loved one. We also ordered the cater to present the overload foods. Then, we put patters of food in front of his memorial tablet and burnt the incense sticks. We also burnt a lot of joss paper to our dad so that he could have money to use in his afterlife.


After the worship ceremony, it was at noon, An interesting thing took place. Three strangers with 2 friends visited us. They brought 2 gift boxes wearing colorful clothing. It probably something happened. it turned out that they came to ask for my brother-in-law’s daughter’s hand. Actually, we all knew about this matter in advance. Today was the first time that boy's and girl's parents have met. We sat in the dining room eating the lunch together. Why did we prepare so much food was to welcome our guests. The liquor was a good activator to break the silence. Though a little bit of embarrassment crept on their face, our friend being a matchmaker today expressed his cheer-up skills by talking about my niece and her boyfriend’s childhood and laughing at himself repeatedly. The atmosphere was casual. But I knew the main roles were nervous.


“We definitely support their marriage, we promise to take care of your daughter.” the future mother-in-law said. They will definitely get off to a good start absolutely. What we could do was to wait for good news about their romantic proposal.

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