我們在高雄進行了為期 3 天的家庭旅行。除了義大世界是孩子這趟畢業旅行的主要目的地之外,我們還計劃了其他的地方參觀。有趣的是,在這趟旅途中,我們使用各種交通工具,如飛機、捷運、輕軌、汽車租賃、船和步行。我們在 3 天內住了 3 家不同的酒店,分別是福容飯店, 義大皇家飯店,蓮潭國際會館。不同的飯店開箱也是我們旅行中有趣的部分。
We had family trip to Kaohsiung for 3 days. Except for the main destination, E-DA World, as my children's graduation trip, we also planned many places to visit. Interestingly, we use various transportations, such as flight, MRT, light railway, car rental, boat and by foot. We stayed 3 different hotels within 3 days. Relatively 福容飯店, 義大皇家飯店,蓮潭國際會館. Those were the amazing part of our trip as well.
When our flight landed on 小港airport,we all enjoyed Kaohsiung hot and windy weather which was different from boiling hot and scorching feeling in Kinmen county. I had lived here for 4 years university education. But I have not come back since I graduated 8 years ago. The sun and wind, the broadening roads and enthusiastic people woke up my memories and let me fall in love with this city again.
We took metro railway to 凱旋站,differ from crowded Taipei, only few people in platform waiting for the train so that we could have seat to relax in the cab. Then, we changed station to take light railway. Luckily, the day was lunar July, 7. We unintentionally took part in 高雄蜜柑號告白列車活動. In Chinese, this day is known as Chinese Valentine’s day. On this day, woman and man reveal their feelings to each other and couples celebrate their sweet and romantic love. Along with beautiful myth of this day, not only commercial stores but also 高雄railway company rolls out some relative products and activities. Thus, the 蜜柑號 was born with cute pattern 蜜柑站長and 動漫輕軌少女paint outside the cabs. Today was the first sailing of 蜜柑號. The company of light railway also invited some citizens to take 蜜柑號 around and to see picturesque scenery in Kaohsiung district.
The first night, we lived in 福容飯店. The tourist sites we chose was hotel nearby so that we could wander by foot along streets. We bought tickets to stay 2 hours in沐浴森林. The facilities were designed for younger children, who can play toy fishing, toy shooting, blocks and even cable car here. Next spot was 大港橋. From Monday to Friday, the bridge will rotate regularly once a day. On the weekend, the bridge even has 2 times rotating on certain time. Anyway, the spectacle was too awesome to miss. In the evening, we took a ten-minute boat ride and stopped in 旗津 for a short time. We went to the beach to admire the sand sculptures and the coast to admire the surfers. What is special is that the color of the sand. The black color sand made the beach look dirty.
第二天,我們前往義大皇家辦理入住手續。美麗華麗的大廳盡顯奢華。我們的房間有很棒的景色。透過窗戶,我們可以欣賞到我們對面的購物中心頂部的整個輪子。太驚艷了。很快,我們就乘坐穿梭巴士前往義大世界。遊樂設施由入口到深處分為三個區域A,B,C。兒童遊樂設施主要在C區。但我們不能忽略A區那驚險又可怕的遊樂設施-天旋地轉,人們坐在長桿上的兩端,大概有10米高。啟動時,人像扇子一樣被拋出和上下顛倒的旋轉。這個設施讓挑戰者感到害怕。我們只是站在一旁看遊客邊玩邊尖叫,但我們都感到頭暈目眩和噁心。 相較之下,C 區的設施為孩子們提供的遊戲速度較慢,難度較低。儘管如此,我的孩子們還是玩得很開心。似乎他們經歷了和A區一樣刺激的遊戲。最重要的是,這些設施看起來更安全。
The second day, we left for E-DA royal to check in. The beautiful and gorgeous hall showed its luxury. Our room had great view. Through the window we could admire the whole wheel attached on the top of the shopping mall which was opposite to us. It was too stunning. Soon, We took the shuttle bus to 義大世界. There were 3 different regions classified as A, B, C. from entrance to the behind. Children’s 遊樂設施mainly in the C region . But we could n’t help but overlook the breathtaking and terrible 遊樂設施 called天旋地轉in A region, people sat two points of long rod which probably came in at least 10 meter high. When starting, people were rotated like fan feeling thrown and up-and-down. This facility made challengers frightened. We just stood by the side seeing tourists playing and screaming, but all of us felt dizzy and nauseous. C region’s facilities provided less speed and less challenging games for children. Even so, my children got fun. It seemed like they experienced games as stimulating as A region’s. Most importantly, those facilities looked safer.
The third day, we had a road trip with no plan and no time-limited. We arrived 佛陀紀念館. My older child knew some stories about 佛祖, so he showed his respect to this place,the big statue of 佛祖was constructed behind of eight towers. It looked so powerful and solemn. later, we went to 橋頭糖廠. Actually, there were no special exhibitions to visit. However, because of the electric 4 wheels car we rented, we did not need to expose to the hot sun. We all satisfied with our decision and got more energy to enjoy trip.
At the day’s end, We head to the 新光三越本館, standing on escalators, going up and down to different floors with our heavy baggage behind. Shopping was our last itinerary on the trip. The next day, we were going to come back to Kinmen. In conclusion, these itineraries were enriching and interesting. We were all happy to be here. 高雄 is a good place for family to visit. It definitely deserves to come again.