
最近覺得英文的idioms(成語或是慣用語)很有趣,就像中文常常用比喻法來描述事情,能使整段話更生動更有畫面感,學習idioms的過程中,發現用的巧的成語,能讓自己講話更像native speaker,更有趣的是,不同的語言,竟然有相同的物件來比喻同件事,語言和翻譯實在是太奇妙了!

Recently, I think idioms is very interesting. Just like Chinese lanuguage often use metaphor or simile to describe thing, it can make the whole paragraph more vivid and more picturesque. In the process of learning idioms, with accurate idioms that can make my speech more like a native speaker. What's even more interesting is that different languages using the same objects to describe the same thing. Language and translation are really amazing!

go back to the drawing board
drawing board是畫板,go back 從頭再畫一次,比喻失敗後重來!
Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be OK.


hang 有很多片語,hang up the phone 是掛電話, hang in there 想像叫你in there,不要放棄,hang in there指 never give it up.

it is not  rocket science 不難

火箭的科學超難,又不是叫你讀天文,所以don't complain about it.

John's agreed to go to the meeting in my place so that gets/lets me off the hook.



There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.上週還有些票,但他一直等到今天才想去買,錯過了機會。
Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?


若照字面翻很容易誤以為是扯後腿的意思,pulling my leg可以想像是你在拉我的腳"暗示我是開玩笑嗎?"

Just pull yourself together. There's no point crying about it.


把自己組裝好,控制好自己意思,behave yourself.

Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil, here she is.你聽說安娜昨天出的那件事了嗎——噢,說曹操,曹操就到了。
Losing my job was bad enough, but being evicted was the final/ last straw.


中文有句形容崩潰的話,叫做"壓垮的最後一根稻草",若在英文寫作上忘記崩潰要用sth is last straw,可以用sth is overwhelming. 

She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds.她在城市工作卻住在鄉村,可以盡享兩種生活的好處。
Three of our players were ill, and to make matters worseour main scorer had broken his ankle.我們的三名隊員病了,更糟的是,主要得分手摔斷了腳踝。

I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to it


If you say I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, you mean that you will deal with a problem if it happens. 

`You can't make me talk to you.' — `No, but the police can.' — `I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.' 

Note: You can also say things like haven't crossed that bridge yet or there are still some bridges to cross 

when you have not yet dealt with a particular problem.

 We have not crossed that bridge yet. We are trying to get the criminal case dealt with. There are still a few bridges to cross.

很特別的是,老師說這句話是let's talk about the problem right now.

find it hard to get/ wrap my mind/ head around such complex issues.


you can say that again  你說得很對!一點也沒錯!


"What's he doing?" "Your guess is as good as mine."



是不是心裡在想our guess is as stupid as mine."
I'd love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg.


It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it.事已至此,傷心也沒用——他把錢都花光了,對此你也毫無辦法。

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